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Educator News

Camp EDMO's Give It Up For Kids Challenge

From November 1-21, 2018, have a little fun and give up a vice or unhealthy habit for this Camp Edmo fundraiser!

Megan Schufreider

From November 1-21, 2018 (21 days), the folks at Camp Edmo are asking you to have a little fun and give up a vice or unhealthy habit.

Join the challenge from the beginning or hop in any time by donating the money you would have spent on a vice to send a low-income kid to summer camp.

How do I join the Give it Up for Kids Challenge?

1. Register as a “Challenger” on the Give It Up For Kids website.

2. Start a Facebook/Instagram Fundraiser
Don’t forget to tag EDMO on your posts and keep your friends up to date each week!
Instagram: #GiveItUpForKids @campedmo // Facebook: @edmocamp

3. Donate to the cause!
Don’t think you can make it a week without a pumpkin spice venti latte? We won’t judge. You can still donate to the challenge on their website or Camp EDMO Facebook page.

Why is the Give it Up for Kids Challenge so important?

Thousands of Bay Area kids can’t afford to go to a high-quality summer enrichment camp like Camp EDMO, which helps to:

Prevent Summer Learning Loss
Kids who don’t do enrichment activities in the summer lose 2-3 months of skills in math, reading, science, social emotional skills, and physical fitness. Over a K-12 academic career, those 2-3 months a year compound to 2-3 years of lost academic achievement! Unequal access to summer learning experiences explains the huge difference in high school graduation rates between lowincome and high-income kids. Summer camp really matters!

Build SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Skills
A slew of research and best-selling books have shown that a person’s “EQ” (Emotional Quotient) is more predictive of success in their field than their IQ. All kids need to build strong SEL skills to overcome the stressors of everyday life and relationships, not mention additional factors like poverty, neighborhood crime, and childhood trauma.

Develop a STEM Identity
Recent studies out of Princeton University and Northwestern University have shown that children start to develop a STEM identity (or lack of it) by the age of 6. If kids don’t have positive associations with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math at a young age, they are much less likely to pursue a career in those fields later in life.

Help EDMO raise $150,000 by April 30, 2019!

The Give It Up for Kids Challenge is the kickoff event of the campaign. With $150,000, Camp EDMO can run a summer camp for 100-120 low income kids for 5 weeks in the summer of 2019!

Learn More