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Educator News

New in Science Notebook Corner: Strategies for Reflections

Fill your teacher toolbox with strategies promoting reflection on both the content and the practice of science.

Lynne Harden

Science Notebook Corner, a resource for educators using or looking to use science notebooks in their classrooms, now features Strategies for Reflection.  Fill your teacher toolbox with prompts and strategies that promote reflection on both the content and the practice of science.

Strategies for Reflection

Setting aside time for reflection allows your students to recognize their own learning. The process of reflecting also helps the learning stick:

Reflecting on Content Learning
Help your students realize just how much they've learned!

Reflecting on Process
Notebooks are a safe space for students to reflect on their work as scientists, or as members of a team.

Reflecting on Essential Questions
Learn how, when, and why to return to the Essential Question.

Lingering Questions and Next Steps
How can you capitalize on student curiosity at the end of a lesson or unit?

Reflecting on Science Identity
Support your students as they realize they are becoming scientists!

What is Science Notebook Corner?

The California Academy of Sciences' teacher professional development team has been helping educators improve their teaching practice using science notebooks since 2009. Science Notebook Corner is an online space featuring easy-to-implement strategies and lessons for educators who want to bring science notebooking into their classrooms.