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Educator News

SMCOE One Planet Schools Challenge

Are you taking action for a sustainable future? Join in on the SMCOE One Planet Schools Challenge.

Lynne Harden

The San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) has launched the One Planet Schools Challenge - a program for school community leaders (teachers, students, administrators, staff, etc.) to be recognized for the actions they are taking to work towards an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and thriving existence.

About the Challenge

The One Planet Challenge is built around the One Planet Living Framework, which utilizes 10 principles that seek to make it easy and attractive to lead happy and healthy lives within the environmental limits of our planet. Stakeholders (teachers, students, administrators, staff, etc.) across K-12 school communities can participate by submitting one or more activities they have led and completed.

Stakeholders from school communities will be recognized—and some will be awarded case prizes—at the San Mateo County Office of Education's Spring Schools for a Sustainable Future Conference.  This year, the conference will take place on April 30, 2018.

Leaders are encouraged to submit their actions by April 23, 2018!

Learn more and submit your actions