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Notebooks and Assessment

What assessment strategies can you use with science notebooks? Below you'll find tips on using notebooks to inform instruction and gather evidence about student learning.


We encourage you to use notebooks as a tool for assessment, but not to focus on grading the notebooks themselves. Students should feel free to use their notebooks in a way that's useful for them, and should not be concerned about being evaluated for things like prettiness or spelling. After all, the notebook is merely a tool to help students learn science.

Gallery of Assessment ExamplesOptional RubricsGoogle Gallery

Formative Assessment

You can use student work in notebooks to inform your upcoming science instruction. Choose 5-7 notebooks (different each time) to scan after class. Ask yourself some or all of these questions:

Self Assessment

It can be helpful to periodically ask students to evaluate their own work in the notebook. Some teachers do this before they offer feedback to students.

Peer Feedback

Giving and receiving peer feedback benefits all students. Receiving feedback from a peer can feel validating and illuminating. And, reviewing someone else’s work may inspire students to try something new in their own notebook. Here are a few ways to facilitate peer feedback:

Teacher Feedback

Engaging in a conversation with students in their notebooks can help them improve the clarity of their entries. Some teachers find it helpful to distinguish between entries that are meant for the student alone, and entries that are intended to communicate to scientific colleagues. When giving feedback to these entries, consider using the same prompts as in the peer feedback section:

Notes from the Field

Here’s what Rachel has to say about giving feedback to her 5th grade scientists:

I try to give feedback to the 5th graders three times each year, usually just before report card time. I tell them to put sticky notes on two pages they think they did a great job on and want feedback on. I choose two pages to give feedback on, one of the ones they chose, and usually a page different from what they chose, although sometimes I'll choose both of their designated pages.

I write a 3x3 sticky note back to them with a "plus" and a "delta". The "plus" is something they did great and the "delta" is something they can work to change. The "plus" always starts with "Great job..." and the "delta" usually includes "don't forget to...", "explain your thinking", "label your drawings", "use the word because". Sometimes I'll give an example of how to change something or ask a question. Sometimes I'll use an arrow to point directly to what I was talking about.

When students get their notebooks back, they can look at their feedback and then either a) keep it on that page or b) collect it on the last page of their notebook. I usually have several students share out something they want to try and work on.


While we are not big proponents of numerically evaluating science notebooks, we recognize that some teachers need to give grades and the notebook can be a good source of evidence of student effort and learning. TISS alumna Heather Wong developed these rubrics, which can be used for that purpose.

Optional Rubrics