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Moe Flannery, Academy biologist, showing students a sea lion skull.

Educator News

Distance Learning: Chat with an Academy Biologist

Check this out! Students from California and Pennsylvania had a chat with one of the Academy Biologists.

Jacque Benitez

Last Thursday, 5th graders from California and high schoolers from Pennsylvania were learning together during our Chat with Moe Flannery. Have you every heard such a thing???

What Happened?

In the hour long conversation, both 5th graders and high school students talked virtually with Moe, an Academy biologist. They discussed how and why she became a biologist. Then the students got an exclusive look at some of the skulls from the Academy's marine mammal collection.  Finally Moe talked about her important work with the Marine Mammal Stranding Network.

Throughout the program, students had the opportunity to ask Moe questions about her career, the Academy collections and her work. Both the 5th graders and high schoolers asked thoughtful and inquisitive questions!

A Selection of Student Questions

What do you have to do to get a good job at the Academy?

What do scientists learn about a species, in general, by examining all those many individual skulls?

How do you deal with seeing the dead animals? Do you ever get sad or feel full of grief when an animal dies? Do you ever feel bad when you cut open the whales?

What is the point of studying dead animals? Do you learn from it and try to prevent it from happening to living ones?

What should someone do if they see an animal (dead or alive) on a beach?

Join us for another Special Live Event

We are looking forward to more programs featuring Academy scientists this school year!

If you are interested in seeing our next live program join us on Thursday April 21st with Michelle Trautwein.

Find out more