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The Living Soil Beneath Our Feet

Travel underground for an up-close look at the ants, amoebas, and bacteria that maintain healthy soil. Glimpse this microscopic world and learn about the symbiotic relationship between fungi and tree roots.

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Connections to Standards

Next Generation Science Standards Disciplinary Core Ideas

California's Environmental Principles and Concepts

Vocabulary for Students

How Have Teachers Used this Video Clip?

"I would like to show our 4th grade students the Soil Beneath Our Feet video, as part of our lesson on decomposers--to better provide visual representation of how microorganisms and fungi go about their business." -Informal Science Educator from Sonoma, CA

"The videos are visually engaging, helping to illustrate ideas that are fairly abstract for intermediate grade levels: photosynthesis and transpiration for example, as well as the idea that ecosystems range from the vast spaces of a kelp forest to the tiny world of microbes at a tree's base in the soil." -Grades 1-6 Science Specialist from Fremont, CA

"I would love to use some of the videos and guiding questions as a way to provide connections to real-world phenomenon." -High School Life and Physical Science Student Teacher from Berkeley, CA

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Visualizations based on aggregated data provide the unique opportunity to engage your students in various Science Practices highlighted in the Next Generation Science Standards, including asking questions, analyzing and interpreting data, and constructing explanations. As an example, Academy educators developed sample activities such as this one and this one.

Explore more ways to use video in the classroom

Related Long-term Project: Macroinvertebrate Manor (grades 3-5)

Construct a home for macroinvertebrates right outside your classroom! Third graders observe this created habitat, discovering which organisms can survive well and how they change when their environment changes. Fifth graders develop a model to describe invertebrate habitats and the movement of matter among the plants, animals, decomposers and the environment. This project is designed to span a month or longer.

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Related Outdoor Activities: Living Schoolyard Guide (grades preK-12)

As a contributor to this guide featuring over 40 activities, the Academy encourages schools to take their students outside throughout the year. Celebrate your school grounds and use them for hands-on learning, place- based inquiry, recreation, environmental stewardship, and community-building.

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Related Investigation: Rate of Decomposition (grades 3-5)

In this two-part inquiry-based activity, students will practice using the scientific method while learning about decomposition, exploring how some types of garbage will decompose while others will not. Students will design their own experiment to test different variables affecting the rate of decomposition.

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Recommended Resources

Diving into Soil
How did our digital artists create the organisms featured in this show? There’s a laundry list: ants, moss mites, nematodes, amoebae, bacteria and fungi entwined with tree roots.

Friendly Fungus
This video explains how fungi are essential in providing moisture to soil and plants, and play a huge role in decomposition.

Ecosystems and Ecological Interactions
Read more about mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, and competition, and watch this tutorial to better understand the importance of biodiversity.

Microbes Beneath the Surface
This science news article summarizes a study focusing on the bacteria living within grassland soils, and includes a link to the scientific paper itself!

Carnivorous Mushrooms and the Human Immune Systems
Scientists hope that by learning about the proteins used by fungi, we can create new drugs for doctors to use with people who suffer from auto-immune diseases. Read this article to get the scoop.

Fat Fighting Fungi
This article describes how a particular fungus could prove useful as a treatment for obesity.

Data Sources

Forest Data
Peter A. Steel Angelo, Coastal Range Reserve, University of California
Raptor View Research Institute, Missoula, Montana
Scientists at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
​Sherri Johnson

Animated Species Reference
Collections of the California Academy of Sciences
Christina Piotrowski, Collection Manager, Invertebrate Zoology & Geology
Debra Trock, Senior Collections Manager, Botany

Nematode Model
Dr. Christian Drove and Dr. Paul Sternberg
Virtualworm Project