What better time for a little reflection than the final NightSchool of the year? As we face an increasingly variable natural world, examining how we feel and experience change can be as valuable as data collection and research. This session of NightSchool sits at the intersection of art and science and features poets, performers, and writers whose work reckons with a changing natural environment.

  • Rachel Garber Cole is a Brooklyn-based artist whose work investigates the emotional, psychological and sensorial experiences of living in the climate crisis. Rachel will be presenting "Questions for a Dinosaur," an eco-anxiety audit in which she asks herself, "when I am fearful for the future, what am I fearful for exactly?"
  • Pacific Islander author Craig Santos Perez will read selections of "eco-poetry" from his book, "Habitat Threshold" (2020), focusing on climate change, environmental justice, extinction, and ecological relations.
  • Join former wildland firefighter Ruth Nolan, now an author and Professor of English and Creative writing, on a word-journey through the heart of the wild world of as she reads poetry and discusses the world of wildfire and firefighting from her newest book, "After the Dome Fire," written in response to the devastating 2020 Dome Fire in California's East Mojave National Preserve.

Photo: Rachel Garber Cole


NightSchool is live on the first & third Thursdays of every month.

All NightSchool virtual programming is intended for audiences 21+.



Missed the party? Just want to relive the magic? Watch the recorded livestreams on YouTube!


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September 5th at 6:00 pm

Lights, curtains, action! Berkeley Rep joins NightLife for a sneak peek of their new show, Mexodus (and more!).

September 12th at 6:00 pm

Gaming in a museum? Achievement unlocked! Bring your skills for the return of gaming at NightLife.

September 19th at 6:00 pm

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September 26th at 6:00 pm

Expect the unusual as art and nature collide at this NightLife celebrating the new BigPicture exhibition.