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Earthquake Preparedness: Redecorate!

Here are quick tips for things to do around the house to prepare for the next big one.

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake this week, we’re offering up quick tips for earthquake preparedness. Here are some easy ways to prepare yourself and your family for the next earthquake.

Five things to do around the house:

  1. Make an earthquake kit (see Tuesday’s post). Or update your current one with fresh food, water, medications, and batteries.
  2. Put shoes and a working flashlight next to each bed.
  3. Tall, top-heavy furniture, such as bookcases and entertainment centers, may fall in an earthquake and injure people. Move big pieces of furniture away from beds, and make sure exits are clear. Secure big furniture and appliances (TVs, refrigerators) to walls with earthquake straps.
  4. Redecorate: Check the objects hanging on your walls. Move anything heavy or sharp that hangs above your bed or couch. Hang only soft art, like unframed posters or tapestries, above beds and sofas. Hang heavy items on closed hooks.
  5. Figure out how to turn off the gas in your home or building. Determine what tool will be needed and know how to use it.