• Bird Scouts full kit
  • Bug Safari full kit
  • Cloud Quest full kit

Science Action Club (SAC) kits feature games, projects, and hands-on investigations that inspire wonder for the natural world.

Designed for middle school youth in out-of-school time (OST), SAC kits feature games, projects, and hands-on investigations that inspire wonder for the natural world. Available in English and an English/Spanish bilingual format, each kit includes 12 activity plans, tools and supplies for 20 youth, and a self-paced online training for program staff. Sliding-scale pricing is available for organizations of all sizes and budgets.



SAC believes in providing equitable access to high-quality science education for all youth. We use sliding-scale pricing to determine the cost of a SAC kit for your program. All forms of after-school funding from ASES to 21ST CCLC can be used to purchase SAC kits. No program will ever be turned away based on their budget.


Preview the kits!

Science Action Club Bird Scouts

Bird Scouts explores feathers, flight, and the features that make birds unique. Using tools and technology, youth identify local species and investigate environmental changes that impact bird behavior. The checklists youth submit to eBird—a citizen and community science project from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology—help scientists track changes in bird distribution and abundance across the globe.

Explore sample activities and kit materials.

Science Action Club Bug Safari

Bug Safari explores small creatures with big environmental impacts. On local field expeditions, youth search for bugs, collect specimens, and post photographs to iNaturalist—a citizen and community science project and online social network for nature research. Working with scientists and other students, youth identify arthropod species and document habitat conditions that influence our planet’s health.

Explore sample activities and kit materials.

Cloud Quest emblem

Cloud Quest explores the impact of clouds on weather and climate. Using the GLOBE Observer citizen and community science platform, youth identify sky conditions and report their discoveries to NASA. Researchers map these observations against satellite image data to study how clouds influence the flow of energy through Earth’s atmosphere.

Explore sample activities and kit materials.


SAC Refill Kits

Whether you are looking to restock your sticker stash, add pH strips to your collection, or dissect more owl pellets, SAC Refill Kits are perfect for replenishing the consumable supplies in each unit. Refill kits can also be used to supplement your full kit to engage more than 20 youth. Order a SAC Refill Kit and pay what you can using SAC’s sliding-scale fee model.


More to explore

SAC collaborates with global partners to deliver high-quality afterschool programming that include citizen and community science projects from iNaturalist, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, NASA, and GLOBE Observer.